TRILOGY PUSPA HATI by Antaresa Hendita

by Antaresa Hendita

On 22 September 2023, Antaresa Hendita, also known as Dhita, opened her solo exhibition titled "Trilogy Puspa Hati" at Hadiprana Gallery. She gave her life journey and contemplation into a series of artworks, namely "Puspita, Sekar and Kusuma." She used three mixed mediums: watercolour, paint markers and acrylic. The trilogy referred to the three years of the collection from 2020 to 2023. Each phase contributed a significant perspective of beauty for Antaresa Hendita. 

The Trilogy Puspa Hati exhibition was supported by her family and friends who participated in the opening event. There was a forum for discussion where the renowned curator Mr. Fajar Sidiq Sukirnanto, came and gave his talk, as well as the art publisher Mr.Lans Brahmantyo.

Family, friends, journalists, art lovers and curious visitors came to admire her Gold and black series, where she drew delicate patterns in geometric forms. There were also colourful abstract pieces that gave a light feeling of fun and glamorous, plus artworks of watercolour plants drawn with a gold pen that accentuated their details.

The Trilogy Puspa Hati was a triumph celebration after the harsh COVID-19 period. Antaresa Hendita faced a time of uncertainty that made her explore her creativity along with her family and friends. She thanked God that her solo exhibition, which lasted for five days, was well received. From 300 artworks documented in her book, Antaresa Hendita shared pieces of her journey to inspire art lovers to explore their dreams and encourage them to make them come true. 

You can find Antaresa Hendita's artwork on her Instagram, @trilogy_puspahati

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